Friday, May 6, 2011

How to Collect Solaris OS coredump for analysis

There will be situation when you might need to collect OS kernel core dumps for Sun support analysis. The procedure is below.

1. login to the Service Processor (root or admin)

2 send a break signal to the console

ILOM syntax: -> set /HOST send_break_action=dumpcore

ALOM syntax: sc> break -D

NOTE: the above commands will send a break signal and create
a coredump. Make sure you have enough disk space available
in /var or whatever directory you have dumpadm configured to
capture a corefile

3. connect to the system console after executing above "break"
command, and if Solaris OE boots, check for corefile and upload
to Oracle for analysis by a Kernel TSE

ILOM syntax: -> start /SP/console

ALOM syntax: sc> console -f